Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Readers, Balm for My Soul

"You already posted today, Arreana, what are you doing?"

Jeez, I'm a nervous wreck today. This monster of a book is sitting on my lap, and I keep wondering, will anyone want to read it? I'm not about to give up, but boy-oh-boy am I ever terrified. I'm glad for everyone's support, it's been immensely comforting today. I've been rereading reviews -- in particular the glowing, over-the-top good reviews. They're amazing! You're amazing.

Here are a couple reviews that have kept me going:

"Fantastic story. I haven't read anything like it, the originality is refreshing, especially the characters. Thanks for sharing." - LanternLight13

"I just wanted to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this story! It is by far my favorite story on fictionpress, and I'm waiting with bated breath for Sulfur to come out." - bluelibellule13

"Ohh, Arreana... I FREAKING LOVE FARRO. DO NOT EVER SCRAP IT. I MIGHT KILL YOU. Any chance we can get a date on when Sulfer will be posted? I promise to review every chapter! XD Good luck for publishing this; you can garuntee at least one copy will be sold." - Schnitzelover

"Anyway, I just wanted to say you're doing a fantastic job. You could honestly be ready for publishing with a few touch-ups and some polishing! Khensa is a fantastic character--and she honestly would be a great "role-model" to your target audience. She brave, witty, sarcastic and got a soul full of courage... and then she's got her weaknesses: inability to trust the RIGHT people (*cough-Bomani-cough*, her temper and her stubbornness! It makes her such a great character... and someone we readers keep coming back too--we just can't predict what she's going to do next! And Bomani. He makes my heart skip a beat. He's flawed and broken and much more a man than I think Khensa can realise. I hope she begins to see him for what he is rather than his title and what his princedom stands for. You've given him more layers in these up-coming chapters-- [spoiler removed]. He truly is a thrilling character to read!" - Bulletproof.cupid

"I absolutely love this story!
It's perfect and the characters and well developed.
I can't wait until you post up Sulfur!
" - SummerStorm

There are so many others too, over 200, to be exact, but I only really have room for a sample of all the wonderful things everyone has said. All from complete strangers too! I'm very moved! I hope you will continue to support me as I venture into the world of publishing!

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