Sunday, July 24, 2011

Vacation is a Comin'

Wow, I haven't posted anything in... too long. I've been so absorbed in Sulfur I guess I've let myself fall off the map. I've been working extra hours the last couple months and that, coupled with a mid-July sinus infection and getting myself enrolled for Fall Quarter, have compounded to make me something like a zombie. I mumble to myself a lot more, and I sit doing nothing a lot more. What I call, "thinking," my husband calls, "freaking me out."

Good news? Writing's going great. I've gotten to what I think will be my favorite part of this story, and writing it, though emotionally difficult , has been incredibly rewarding. I have approximately eight more chapters to go; I could be done in the next couple weeks! Phew!

I will be posting the first chapter -- fingers crossed -- on July 29th, the first day of my vacation.

Ah, vacation. When I get myself a week of work off to flee my house. Where am I going? My grandparents, which may astonish some of you but not me. To me it's the best sort of vacation anyone can have. They have a wonderful house full of memories, a fragrant garden, coffee in the morning, and an altogether awesome appreciation for ethnic food. It means naps in the afternoon and talking politics in the evening. It's relaxing, which is more than I can say for some other vacations, and an annual tradition.

I'll keep writing even while my husband and I are staying there. After all, I need no vacation from writing, as it in itself is a stress-relieving escape!

I hope all of you are having a similarly wonderful summer. I hope you're finding ways to keep cool. Moment of bragging: I live in the PNW and it's been raining here every other day or so, I call that a good thing!

See you again on July 29th!

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