I found a typo in [insert book title], I wanted to let you know...
Thank you, and let me apologize for the mistake, as I know they can detract from the story. Second, I'd like to encourage you to email me at arreana@gmail.com. Please make sure to include the following information:
    1. Chapter[s] in which you found the typo[s]
    2. The original sentence in which typo appears
    3. Way in which you feel typo should be corrected
    4. Your name so I can add your name to the novel's Acknowledgements**
** Unfortunately this will have to be on a "first come, first served" basis.  
Will you edit my short story/novel for me?
I'm flattered to be so frequently asked, but while I always try to provide my fellow authors the best possible advice I can, I'm afraid I no longer have the time to give thorough edits to people. I may read your story if asked, but I can make no guarantees. If you would like me to read your story please provide me a link to/copy of your story. If I like it/finish it I'm likely to write a review.
Will you be continuing "The Scorpion King?"
I posted the first chapter of "The Scorpion King" (novel title to change) out of more general curiosity than anything else. This stand-alone novel is a retelling of "The Beauty and the Beast", and a favorite pet project of mine. The novel is nearly half complete, and it's something I want to finish once Farro and Sulfur are done and published.