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The Conclusion to "Farro"
Khensa must redeem herself for the hardships she has brought upon her people. She knows what she must do. She will end the revolution she helped to create. No more running.
Bomani will never be king if he can’t return Waset to order. Without food, without wheat the city will fall to pieces, and he will be king of nothing but rubble and ashes. To get it back, he’ll follow the thieves to the ends of the world.
To the north, over the mountains and into the hidden kingdom beyond. Through a world of steam and smog and rain, and from there into darkness they’ll delve. Death will be their final obstacle, and His Eaters their final judges on a quest that might break them both.
Readers agree that Sulfur is best suited for teens and adults ages 14 and above.
[Violence, adult themes, and mild language]
Read Sulfur if you like stories with:
- Unique settings
- Strong, female leads
- Action and adventure
- Light fantasy
- Spelunking
- Some political intrigue
- Slow building relationships
- Squid
While Farro was a work of patience, Sulfur was a work of endurance. I don’t know if I would have made it through those long first months if not for my husband and two great friends, Max and Rachel. Thanks are also due to those few that took the time to read Sulfur in its very early stages. Not only did they provide the encouragement and motivation I needed, but they frequently spotted the errors and inconsistencies I would have otherwise missed. Thank you, “Chocolate Cookie”, Marianne Hertzfeld, and Annemarie Hunt. Lastly, Angela Taratuta is once again to be congratulated on her wonderful help with Sulfur’s cover. I don’t think I could have completed this project without all of your help.
Then there are my diligent readers, who not only spotted typos in Farro but were kind enough to point them out to me. Thank you, Jade Z., Rachel Philip, Elise Kleine, THE BNZ, Raye, and AJ.
If you have found, in the course of reading, a typo or grammatical mistake you feel should be corrected, please email the author at arreana@gmail.com with the chapter title[s] in question, and the typo[s] you’ve found. Arreana will thank readers who do her this great service by adding their names to the acknowledgements list on a first-come-first-serve basis.
This novel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.