Monday, April 18, 2011

For Writer's Out There

(A quick update: editing is on schedule, Farro should be released for purchase before May 13th!)

I know that some of you readers may be writers yourself or have at least toyed with the idea. Many of you might have heard of the fancy programs now available to assist you in your writing. I've played with a couple of them but have never really used any of them. Why? Because I make up my story as I go along, and many of these programs are designed to aid the writer in plotting, character building, etc. These aren't things I need. When writing I open up a word document and -- bam! -- I start writing like a mad woman.

But I've heard of other people using these programs and really loving them for outline/note purposes. Today I found one that even I was tempted to use:

What made it stand out to me? It was clean, fast, affordable and easy to use. The minute I opened the program (trial version) I knew immediately how to use it, and I'm not particularly tech-savvy. Does this mean I'll abandon Word in favor of Quoll Writer? For me, probably not. I've been using Word for over 12 years now, it's what I'm most familiar with. When considering my writing style, it's also the easiest for me to use -- when writing on the fly, you really don't need anything but a blank sheet of paper and go! I would, however, recommend writers out there to check out this program. It really could prove helpful for some of you.

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