Friday, September 9, 2011

Oh Boy, Editing!

So I didn't post last weekend because I was too busy off in the mountains camping and goofing off. No internet for four days. No checking emails, no having to talk/think/look at Farro or Sulfur... Then I come back and it's Vacation Shock all over again. Email box = 54 non-spam messages to sift through. Sulfur = 21 chapters left to edit. I think I'm done for vacations this summer. Or at least... the ones that take me away from the internet.

Here I am, up to my eyeballs in work and Sulfur work. Then, sneaking up fast, is that looming "first day of school" which might crack me completely.

I'm so excited to be done with Sulfur, but I haven't had any time to really enjoy it. When this is good and done, I'm going on a week long siesta, complete with naps and coffee and maybe a pallet or two of the cheesiest lasagna I can find.

Then what, you might wonder?

Well, then I will be promoting the heck out of both of them. And I'll be attending school. And I'll be editing a book I wrote back in 2007 that I'll be throwing out hopefully sometime in November/December. After that I'll be finishing off my half-completed project currently titled "The Scorpion King". Beauty and the Beast in ancient Egypt? Yes, please!

From there the road forks, and I'm not sure which story I want to tackle first, the Historical fiction adventure set in Ancient Rome, the lovecraftian horror, or the cowboys vs. zombies story I've been sitting on ever since I saw this, a video of ants turning into zombies upon becoming infected by a terrifying mind-controlling fungus.

The world is opening up, and the only obstacle between me and the next project is this mountain of a book sitting on my plate right now!

Speaking of which, Sulfur's cover by Angela Taratuta is now complete and can be seen on my Facebook page (link to the right)! Go check it out when you get a chance. I'll probably be throwing it up here sometime next week!

Now, if you haven't read them already, here's Chapters Six and Seven for your enjoyment.


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