Friday, November 11, 2011

Read Sulfur Now!

Sulfur is now available in both Electronic and Trade Paper formats! For those of you like me who currently lack the funds for a trade paper or a handheld e-reader, you can download the kindle app to your computer and read it there. This app is incredibly slick and easy to use!

If you're new to buying my books online, please continue reading this post; I've put together a guide for your convenience. If you know what you're doing and just want me to shut up and point you the way, look to the bar on the left; there you'll find working links to purchase Sulfur!


How-to: Reading on your e-reader or other small handheld device
  1. Find Sulfur on either BN or Amazon
  2. Buy Sulfur for $4.99
  3. Your e-reader or other supported device will sync with your account the next time you use it.
  4. Read and enjoy!
How-to: Reading on your computer
  1. Go here and download the Kindle app for PC
  2. Install Kindle app for PC (find where you downloaded the app's executable and open that on up!)
  3. Find Sulfur on Amazon.
  4. Buy Sulfur for $4.99 (make sure in the "deliver to" drop-down menu "PC" is selected).
  5. If your PC Kindle app does not sync immediately push [F5] or go to Tools-->"Snyc and Check for New Items". This will get Sulfur to show up for you to...
  6. Read and Enjoy!
How-to: Read the good-old-fashioned way, trade paper
  1. Find Sulfur on Amazon or Createspace.
  2. Buy Sulfur for $19.99.
  3. Wait for that 542 page monster to ship to your doorstep.
  4. Read and enjoy!

Now, over the last week I've received a lot of questions from anxious readers, and I thought I would take the time to answer some of those questions here for the benefit of us all. If you have any of your own questions you wanted addressed, please email me at

Is Farro and Sulfur available internationally?

While all my links on this blog pertain to the US version, Sulfur is also available to buy on,, and Amazon automatically converts the $4.99 into the respect currencies so costs should be no different if buying internationally.

Will I still update Sulfur weekly?

Yes, I will be posting a chapter of Sulfur every Friday, per usual. But with this assurance comes a warning: as the book progresses into it's second half there will be more cliffhangers, tension, and perhaps even angst. If you don't want to wait the eighteen more weeks it'll take to finish posting all the chapters, I encourage you to scroll back up and consider purchasing a copy... plus, you'll be supporting me as an indie author!

When will the trade paper be available?

This is a question I've already answered, but I just wanted to take a moment to reinforce the following statement: Sulfur is now available in trade paper. I spent a good portion of my last weekend working on the formatting/publishing information in order to get this published by today. So many of you expressed interest in buying a hard copy (What's better than cracking open a new book, after all?) that I couldn't let it rest until it was done. The book is 5.25" x 8" and consists of 542 pages. It's a heavy novel, and it really turned out quite beautiful!

Keep reading, and thank you so much for your immense amount of support in this last few weeks (and hopefully the next couple, too)!

I wanted to take a moment to thank reader Raye, who volunteered her time and formated the electronic version of both Farro and Sulfur. She added things I never had the time/patience to consider, such as a table of contents, built-in cover, and nicer chapter headings. Thank you so much, Raye!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Loading, reviewing, publishing!

So this is the weekend!

It's a month late, but goodness if I'm not proud. I'm only stopping by to drop off a couple lines before I'm off to continue the finishing touches/synopsis writing/category marking that distinguishes 'publishing' from daunting, exhausting 'editing'.

Thank you so much for the responses this last week. Yesterday alone, I received three letters from readers containing such encouraging words that I was fueled to work until about 3:30 in the morning. I really mean it when I say I couldn't have done this without your support.

Now, I'm afraid I have to get back to work, but you can bet I'll be back in a couple days with the 'big annoncement' I've been waiting months to make. Until then, I hope Chapter 15 of Sulfur will suffice.